For lots of reasons, solar not only makes sense but provides real solutions to matters of critical importance. Ignorance is bliss, or consider the following:
Climate change is, well, catastrophic. The spookiest part is that we won't feel the effects of what we do now until it is too late. Our grandchildren will hurt. Environment Canada predicts that with our current lifestyles, i) extreme droughts in the Prairies that now occur about once every 50 years may occur every 15 to 20 years by 2070, ii) as ocean levels rise with melting of the polar ice caps, Prince Edward Island is expected to lose up to 10% of present coastal properties over the next 20 years, or almost 50% by the end of the century – some pacific islands could be totally engulfed, iii) extreme heat waves now occurring every 80 years are projected to occur at least once every 10 by 2050, and by then, the frequency of hot summer days (exceeding 30°C) should quadruple to once every 2 days in southern Ontario, once every 4 in Calgary.
Human health is affected by our fuel choices, both directly and eventually. The Canadian Public Health Association and Health Canada reported in the Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2001;92(3):1I1-I12, that i) the causes of air pollution and climate change are similar, and so are the solutions, specifically reducing use of fossil fuels, ii) air pollution levels increase with higher temperatures, iii) each year in Canada, an estimated 16,000 early deaths and many more hospital visits are associated with air pollution, iv) asthma is worsened by air pollution – between 1980 and 1990, 28% more boys and 18% more girls were admitted to hospital due to asthma. Environment Canada predicts that heat stress in 2050 summers will cause 30-50 more heat-related deaths in Ottawa, 240-1140 in Montreal, 230-1220 in Toronto.

Technology and design offer sensible solutions, if not the motivation. It is plain bad personal and business practice not to make use of the most abundant, clean, and free energy source on earth. No other resource is as equitably distributed or as easily harnessed as sunshine. Sure, poor design can happen, and yes, we can help to make that learning curve easy. Good solar design is a custom fit, and we can show you how to find returns that far exceed those for conventional investments. Find out which systems to tackle first for your energy consumption patterns, household size and age, building tighness, and any special features like woodstoves or swimming pools Also check out our institutional, commercial and industrial applications. An elegant fit is trouble free and will keep you warm in winter, cool in summer, heat your water, and bring in genuine light and warmth.

Why solar? Why not?

Ignorance is bliss. So is Solar.

©2006 Nexus Solar Corporation